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Cleveland HVAC, Plumbing and Electric Frequently Asked Questions

Heating Questions & Answers

A properly sized furnace reduces the amount of starts and stops, thus reducing strain on the unit. An oversized furnace actually wastes approximately 10% more energy when compared to a properly sized furnace. Compare a properly sized furnace to driving – mileage is always best when using cruise control on the highway verses stop and go city driving.

If you experience this, the most likely cause is improper ductwork sizing, design or poor insulation, not the size of the equipment.

Most manufacturers use exactly the same controls in their 80% efficiency and 90% efficiency furnaces. We see no increase in service calls between the two types of furnaces. You will see an additional 10% in energy savings with the higher efficiency model.

Yes, scheduling regular maintenance is very important. Today’s systems need to be cleaned and properly adjusted annually or you will not benefit from the efficiencies of your unit.

All manufacturers require annual maintenance for warranties to be valid. Remember time flies. What you may think is a couple of years since your last check up, may actually be eight or ten years. The best way to ensure proper system maintenance is to become a member of our maintenance program. We will remind you when service is needed and as a member you also receive exclusive savings and benefits.

No, just the opposite. The fact is setting back your thermostat about five degrees twice a day will actually save you about five percent on your heating or cooling bills.

Most furnaces deliver the same amount of heat regardless of how high the thermostat is set.

First check your main power to the furnace. Is the breaker and power switch at the furnace turned on?

Make sure the blower door is properly installed. Is the filter clean?

Is the thermostat adjusted properly and set to heat?

If you have a high-efficient gas furnace, are the exhaust pipes through the sidewall clear of debris, ice and snow?

Once you have completed this checklist, call us for emergency service seven days a week, including holidays.

There are several causes including a furnace being too large for the load, registers that are closed, ductwork that is too small, or possibly a clogged filter.

To determine the exact cause and appropriate solution call to schedule a visit with one of our home comfort specialists.

Most furnaces have at minimum a twenty-year warranty on the heat exchanger. Because of this warranty, manufacturers have designed the furnace to last at least that long given your system has been well cared for with annual maintenance, proper cleanings and adjustments. Some of the higher-end brands have a lifetime warranty on the heat exchangers.

When you are considering replacing your furnace, you must first know how efficient the old one was when it was new. If it’s vented into the chimney it is 70%-80% efficient. If it is sidewall vented it’s probably 90% efficient. Todays furnaces range from 80-98% efficiency. This means the higher the efficiency the greater your energy savings will be on a furnace. Sometimes replacing a unit may save enough money in efficiency to actually pay for themselves in a few short years.

If you are considering a new furnace, schedule a free estimate to learn more about how we can make your home more comfortable and energy efficient while saving you money.

Based on an average installation of our most comfortable, quietest and highest efficiency furnace, completely installed will cost approximately 7,500 dollars.

In contrast the basic no frills furnace completely installed is around 5,000 dollars.

There are a range of models from the most efficient to basic, providing a number of comfort options to fit every budget.

We have a variety of savings options, one of which is our Broadview Bundle. To learn more about a new furnace and all of the savings options available on this investment schedule a free estimate.

In addition to savings options, there are a number of financing programs, to help you afford comfort on your monthly budget. Our financing programs have a variety of payment options.  Please ask your Comfort Advisor or call our office for more details.  Between the furnace options, financing programs and savings opportunities we will work to find a solution that fits anyone’s monthly budget.

Air Conditioning Questions & Answers

Do not run out an purchase a new thermostat, 99% of the time your heating or cooling system has an issue, not your thermostat. Let one of our home comfort specialists diagnose your issue, provide a solution and have you feeling cool in no time.

This is the way you can compare all air conditioners in terms of their efficiency. SEER is abbreviated for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. The higher the number the more efficiently the system preforms. A 30-year-old air conditioner has a SEER ratings of 8-10 SEER while newer systems are rated as high as 20 SEER. Doubling the SEER will cut your bills in half.

First check the main power to the furnace. Are the breaker and power switch at the furnace turned on?

Check to see if the blower door is properly installed.

Is the filter clean? Anything darker than a very light gray means it’s time to change your filter. Keep in mind this is something that should be done every 6 months.

Is the thermostat adjusted properly and set to cool?

The outdoor unit also has a breaker, so check that as well to be sure it is turned on.

Once you have completed this checklist, call us for emergency service seven days a week, including holidays.

Refrigerant or Freon as it is commonly known, does not wear out. Even if your air conditioning is very old it will run indefinitely without adding Refrigerant.

If the unit needs refrigerant added every year or two, it is because there is a leak. One of our service technicians can locate the leak and repair it, providing continued comfort in your home.

No, we have detectors that can find any leak in less than one hour.

If your air conditioner was manufactured before 2010 it most likely contains the refrigerant know as Freon 22 or R-22. As of January 1, 2020, the manufacturing or importing of this refrigerant was made illegal. Since then, the remaining supply of new R-22 is becoming increasingly lower and thus extremely expensive.

Due to this issue, we recommend that if you have a system requiring R-22 and the refrigerant side of the unit needs repair, you are much better off replacing the system than investing a lot of money to repair an obsolete unit.

Opening the windows during the evening allows humidity that was removed during the day right back in, only to have to be removed again the next day.

During a time period where we are running our a/c system every day, keep the home closed up even at night. You can turn up the temperature on your thermostat so the unit will run less frequently. This will keep the humidity lower in your home and save on your electric bill.

Variable speed air conditioners are higher end models that operate on different speeds based on your home’s comfort needs. These fully modulating systems work to keep your home consistently comfortable as exterior heat and humidity levels rise and fall.

The unit will adjust to a higher speed keeping your home comfortable when it’s hot and humid. On days when the temperature is more moderate, slower speeds allow your air conditioning system to run quieter and do a more efficient job of removing humidity from the air, which is a major factor on how comfortable you feel at any temperature.

Not at all. Actually, oversizing an air conditioning unit prevents it from properly de-humidifying your home because it does not run long enough. Removing moisture is 25% of an air conditioner’s job. An oversized air conditioning unit will make your home feel like a cool, damp cave.

Scheduling regular maintenance is extremely important. Today’s air conditioners are very efficient, however a number of issues cause decreased efficiency. For example, dirt will build up on the outdoor coil from trees, dryer lint and particles in the air. This restricts the flow of air through the unit resulting in higher electric bills.

Refrigeration levels also need to be checked regularly as well as drains and electrical components. Annually cleaning and checking the system pays for itself with lower electric bills, maximum efficiency and comfort.

All manufacturers require annual maintenance for warranties to be valid. Remember time flies. What you may think is a couple of years since your last check, may actually be eight or ten years. The best way to ensure proper system maintenance is to become a member of our maintenance program. We will remind you when service is needed and as a member you also receive exclusive savings and benefits.

Air Quality Questions & Answers

Actually, these filters are detrimental to the airflow of your system. They filter better than a $1.00 throw away filter, but these filters also restrict airflow to the point that your comfort suffers and may even damage your equipment. We recommend use the factory supplied filter or utilizing a high efficiency deep pleated filter.

A deep pleated 16x25x4 square inch filter is recommended over a one-inch pleated (16x25x1) filter because the surface area is larger, resulting in optimal air cleaning and equipment efficiency.

Deep pleated filters are highly efficient at trapping dirt, dust and microscopic particles found in the air. These particles can cause a flare up in allergies, stain your walls, cause buildup in your system and coils that reducing the efficiency of your system. A four inch deep pleated filter stops these particles at the filter level rather than allowing them to be recirculated back into your home. Most deep pleated filters will last approximately six months to one-year depending on the activity in your home.

MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) is a measurement of how effectively a filter captures and holds dust. An inexpensive spun fiberglass one-inch filter has a rating of 1-4 while a deep pleated charged media filter has a MERV rating of 15. If dust and allergies are of concern, you want to have a MERV rating of at least 11.

This device is designed to neutralize odors, eliminate particulates, air pollutants, VOCs, smoke, mold, bacteria and viruses.

When your HVAC system is operating, this device creates Advanced Oxidation Plasma consisting of: Ionized Hydro-peroxides, Super oxide ions and Hydroxide ions. These Advances oxidants kill microbials at the source and on surfaces.

A REME LED can easily be installed to your existing system. The system is very low maintenance requiring only an element change every four years.

For additional information please watch the video below.

During the winter season the air inside our homes can become very dry. You will experience dry skin, nose and throat along with sneezing and chapped lips.

Besides your nose, you may have also noticed shrinkage in your wood floors, furniture, cabinets, musical instruments and moldings. The optimal humidity for a home in our winter climate is 35%, which can automatically be maintained with a whole home humidifier.

One comfort fact to keep in mind is that when we add humidity to the air at any given temperature, the air will feel is warmer to our skin. This being said, you will probably be able to turn down your thermostat a few degrees, still feeling warm while saving money on your energy bills.

As with any product, the new models of humidifiers are better than older models. These new models use less water (up to 50% less) while producing humidity more efficiently making them very eco-friendly. They are easier to service, quieter and work with your current equipment making them an easy addition to any system.

All humidifiers need yearly maintenance that includes changing of its waterpanel, pad or filter. When a humidifier is operating, it evaporates water into the air stream. The minerals that are in the water remain left behind on the waterpanel and can build up to a point where the humidifier is no longer efficient causing the humidifier to leak or overflow.

Some water panels are quite easy to replace while others are not so simple. We utilize genuine replacement filters as these are engineered to be the most efficient which will save you money on water. Also, some models of humidifiers have motors in them that require periodic oiling.

All manufacturers require annual maintenance for warranties to be valid. Remember time flies. What you may think is a couple of years since your last check, may actually be eight or ten years. The best way to ensure proper system maintenance is to become a member of our maintenance program. We will remind you when service is needed and as a member you also receive exclusive savings and benefits.

During the Summer months, your air conditioning system actually works as a dehumidifier, removing humidity from the air whenever it is cooling.

In contrast Spring and Fall are typically rainy, damp times of year. Your furnace and air conditioner are not running as often due to the more moderate temperatures and this is when humidity in your basement and home may become an issue.

A few signs of excess humidity are a musty smell, exposed cold water lines in the basement that sweat or drip condensation (typically showing up during the Summer months), ductwork that continually sweats when air conditioning is on, signs of mold or mildew, humidity levels that are measuring over 65% and/or basement walls or floors that are wet.

One solution that isn’t overly effective would be to plug-in a “portable” dehumidifier. These units only remove about 20-30 pints of water per day and require the emptying of a water tray daily. If the tray isn’t emptied the dehumidifier stops working.

A whole home dehumidifier system can be installed to dehumidify just a basement or your entire home. The dehumidifier is hooked to your HVAC system and can remove up to 120 pints of water per day, automatically, without any pans to drain. Let one of our comfort specialists install a dehumidification system to keep your home free from excessive moisture.

New homes built today are designed and constructed to be very energy efficient. There are mandatory code requirements that mandate proper insulation, air sealing along with energy efficient windows and doors.

While this is great for creating energy efficiency, homes this tight can be a concern with regards to indoor air quality. Using a device called an ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator) we can now exhaust stale indoor air and replace it with clean fresh outside air in an energy efficient manner.

This device is installed near your forced air system and ducted to the supply and return system. When the heating or cooling system is on the ERV will automatically be activated and begin the ventilation process of exhausting stale indoor air and replacing it with fresh outside air.

The benefit of an ERV is that it will exchange heat or cool from the exhausted air back into the incoming fresh air stream through a special core in the machine. This allows us to get rid of the unwanted stale air without wasting the already conditioned temperatures in our homes.

Generator Questions & Answers

Portable Generator
Backup Home Generator
Fuel Source Gasoline 5-7 hr. runtime between re-fueling Natural Gas/ Propane/ Unlimited runtime without refueling
Available Power 3-9 KW 10-60KW
Connections Extension Cords Permanent wiring to fuse box
Automation Manual start Automatic start and load transfer/ auto shutdown
Storage Stored in garage or shed Permanently installed
Storage Stored in garage or shed Permanently installed
Appliance hookup Refrigerator/ Freezer/ Sump Pump/ must be plugged in Furnace/ AC/ Well/ All Lighting/ Refrigeration/ Whole House
Warranty 3-Year Limited 6-year Parts and Labor

Whole home generators are capable of powering as few as 10 circuits in your fuse box. Lighting circuits,  furnace, sump pump, refrigerator, freezer etc. would be powered by a smaller model. In contrast, larger models will power everything in your home including air conditioning. This allows you to go on with your life as if there is no power outage.

Costs will vary based on type of installation. Below are average installation costs providing a generator can be installed close to the gas source and main fuse panel. Estimated pricing includes generator unit, transfer switch, wiring, fuel piping, permits, slab, labor, and tax. Inquire about any special savings opportunities and our financing programs.

  • 10 kW = approximately $9,500
  • 12 kW = approximately $10,500
  • 20 kW = approximately $13,500
  • 26 kW = approximately $14,500

Generators require annual maintenance to keep them in optimal condition for when they are needed. Our generator  yearly check up includes an oil and filter change, air filter replacement, valve lash and spark plug maintenance, the checking and adjustment of generator output, inside and outside cleaning of the unit, as well as testing the transfer of your system.

All manufacturers require annual maintenance for warranties to be valid. Remember time flies. What you may think is a couple of years since your last check, may actually be eight or ten years. The best way to ensure proper system maintenance is to become a member of our maintenance program. We will remind you when service is needed and as a member you also receive exclusive savings and benefits.

You will continue to enjoy uninterrupted power and comfort in you home with minimal outdoor noise. When your generator is running it will sound like someone is outside cutting the lawn. The reason being is that most generators are powered with the same engine as a lawn mower.

Water Heaters Questions & Answers

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Electrical Questions & Answers

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